Sharon resides in Albuquerque, NM with her family and two adorable mini schnauzers Sherlock and Watson. Sharon is also the founder of I/O Consulting Group and Dapper Sherlock ®, which is are the brand of dog attire. She loves to dress her dogs, and they always walk out the house looking "Dapper."
Sharon is the former President of New Mexico Mediation Association, is a Commissioner of the State ADR Commission led by NM Supreme Court Justice Judith Nakamura, former co-Chair for The New Mexico State Bar ADR Committee.
Sharon holds a BS in Information Technology, Master of Business Administration, Master’s degree in Mediation & Dispute Resolution, and is pursuing a Ph.D. in General Psychology with an Emphasis in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
As a founder, Sharon stated "When you have an opportunity to help families or individuals with resources that support their beloved dog it's a win/win situation. I had the chance to bring a dream alive with six fabulous ladies that I'm proud to call friends and partners of Paw Philanthropy.